Episode 1 - "Barry Schmaltz - Just Vamps!" It's the big debut episode of Barry Schmaltz's brand new show, Just Vamps!
Episode 2 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz talks about life while playing a mellow vamp.
Episode 3 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz shows how a vamp can be a song, and demonstrates by playing "Korean Wedding Song" in a sort of Brazilian style, rendering it fusion. We hear the resonant room frequency and we learn Barry Schmaltz's perspective on the power of belief and the inadequacy of the word "god".
Episode 4 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz explains how the music he is playing functions in relation to his explanation. As he might say, a vamp is a lot like life, no matter what universe you come from.
Episode 5 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz explains music theory as he explores the music of social injustice, and talks about life while inspiring and uplifting and entertaining you, the viewer.
Episode 6 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Sometimes Barry Schmaltz forgets which vamp he is about to play, and when that happens, all sorts of other things fall out of his head too. For instance, he can sort of remember Joey Cavon, but for the duration of this episode, it's a hazy memory.
Episode 7 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz favors us with a rendition of his personal vamp while explaining about culture and society and life.
Episode 8 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" There's an anticipatory feel in the air as Barry Schmaltz gives us the "Pedal V" vamp, a really big one, full of drama and excitement. He envisions starting the whole series over again with this vamp, then sings a little riff explaining the whole thing.
Episode 9 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" He's vamping for your pleasure! Barry Schmaltz reminisces about how civilized things were in the old days, how sociable and friendly, and plays a jaunty vamp to underscore his narrative. He tells the story of how he started shifting from universe to universe by playing his flutes.
Episode 10 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz can play anything, as long as you're not too fussy about how it sounds. At least that's what he says while playing today's vamp, a nostalgic underscoring to his amusing yet deeply unique observations and reminiscences.
Episode 11 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" This time, Barry Schmaltz seems to recall Joey Cavon more fully as being like "Tony Williams, but without a lot of the details"; it appears that Barry misses rhythmic accompaniment. The most important thing here is that Barry Schmaltz picks up two flutes and plays a crazy number on them while vamping a quick bass line.
Episode 12 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Suddenly, the blue ball of consciousness is back! Barry Schmaltz plays the mysterious and vaguely Herbie Hancock-derived Jazz Vamp and talks about navigating the multiverse, using jazz improvisation as a metaphor.
Episode 13 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" In his jazzbo jacket with the accoutrements, Barry Schmaltz relates a vision of a world much, much worse off than this one. He reminds us that the world we've got here, right now, is actually better than one might think.
Episode 14 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Today's sentiment is underscored with a happily anticipatory vamp, a bright and sunny excursion in the key of C. It's all positive vibes here as Barry Schmaltz (wearing his wisdom jacket) talks about the worlds and how he learned to travel between them.
Episode 15 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" With things falling on the floor and the keyboard set up wrong, Barry Schmaltz still manages to pull a beautiful IV-I vamp out of the hat in this episode. It's a nostalgic trip down memory lane, Barry Schmaltz-style, as he makes keen observations and significant points along the way.
Episode 16 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" It's another go-round with Barry Schmaltz's personal vamp, his walking vamp, you might say, and he describes various sorts of places you might walk into using this vamp. He gives good tips and advice in this installment. And he's wearing white, which he loves to do.
Episode 17 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Today starts out really peppy, in a happily anticipatory way. And today we also learn about Barry Schmaltz's interesting qualm about marches. He takes us on a tour of some of the various applications of this vamping style, and gets up close and personal for a moment to explains in some detail why he dislikes it.
Episode 18 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Today we hear the evocative Mysterioso Vamp, with the winds of the plains strongly and whooshingly implied behind every note. A play on words allows Barry Schmaltz to observe that he, himself, is funny. A little humor going on here, as he would say.
Episode 19 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" It's a very entertaining episode of the show, with amusing turns of phrase and plays on words, and a very slick vamp to boot. He takes his hat on and off and gives lots of good advice on how to look cool and knowledgeable.
Episode 20 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Deep philosophizing and exotic geometries are on the menu for today, all underscored by a mellow vamp, the continuity of which is a metaphor for life itself. There are different Earths and different choices made, he says, and he's practically singing his wisdom from the beauty of the vamp!
Episode 21 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" It's a IV-III-II-I (lift-off!), as Barry Schmaltz describes this vamp, both harmonically and in terms of what it evokes for him emotionally. In this case, it evokes a sense of bittersweet fatalism for Barry Schmaltz as he talks about his home and the irrevocability of time.
Episode 22 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz matches some heavy philosophic speculation with a darkly brooding vamp, like a fine wine with a gourmet meal. (Though it's not cuisine that interests Barry Schmaltz today, but rather the subsumation of identity, as well as the positive implications of experiencing multiple personalities.
Episode 23 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" They've taken away the heart and the soul and the life of the drums, is Barry Schmaltz's perspective on this subject. But the details of the reasons why will fascinate and amaze! This episode offers a meaningful glimpse into Barry's world through comparisons of technologies and histories.
Episode 24 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" "Do a Latin!" as the club date guys say, and Barry Schmaltz shares with us his multiversal take on that particular brand of obnoxiousness. It's sort of an alternate history lesson through music as Barry Schmaltz rambles on and speeds up and slows down the tempo, seemingly at whim.
Episode 25 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz offers up a sultry samba for today's vamp, but it's not entirely clear what specific point he is making about it, precisely. Along the way, he points out that the Roman Empire was a pretty swinging place.
Episode 26 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" It's just like his personal vamp, but it's in a different key - or a slightly different key, since Barry Schmaltz is quite sensitive to subtle variations in the tonal center. And with a little solfeggio pun, he's off!
Episode 27 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Is he espousing a philosophy, or just spazzing, philosophically? In his native universe, Barry Schmaltz tells us, spazzing out is a very popular activity among entertainers such as himself. He raises the question, who is more real: Barry Schmaltz, or his full, rich, lustrous hair?
Episode 28 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz tells us that the legendary rock group Pink Floyd exists in the same form across multiple universes. Are they everywhere because they're famous, or are they famous because they're everywhere? Either way, today's vamp reminds Barry Schmaltz of Pink Floyd, and for him it's like coming home again.
Episode 29 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" It's the famous vamp from that Jobim tune everyone knows; you know which one. Today we learn more about Barry Schmaltz's perspectives on wealth, surveillance, and society, while the vamp he plays takes him away to another time and place and continues to jog his memory.
Episode 30 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Having gone a little crazy from thinking too much, Barry Schmaltz poses some hardcore questions about life and existence itself, and especially about one's place in it. As his memories begin to resurface, Barry Schmaltz invites you, the viewer, to offer insights if you, the viewer, should feel motivated to do so.
Episode 31 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz stays optimistic and upbeat in light of his resurfacing memories, and he gives us a nice bouncy vamp - a walkin' vamp, he calls it - to listen to while he tells us various things about his native universe.
Episode 32 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" First he tweaks a feeling, and then - much later - he drops a bombshell. In between, he reminisces and expands upon many interesting details about his home world. Plus, there's a dire warning of things to come - maybe - from Barry Schmaltz.
Episode 33 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz shows us the Al Katno Method of playing the piano - Al Katno, of course, being the celebrated composer that Barry Schmaltz remembers from another universe. We gain a little more insight into questions of identity and that whole thing, there.
Episode 34 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz plays a wistful yet cautiously optimistic vamp while examining the nature of his existence. He shares a poetic image about Muzak, gets a little distracted with the lighting, apologizes for that, and finally makes his point in detail and at great length.
Episode 35 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" It's another jaunty romp with Barry Schmaltz as he talks about all the things we expect him to talk about. He also shares a variety of uses for the word "vamp" that seem to serve for him as a local colloquialism.
Episode 36 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Picking up on the chord of irresolution from the last show, Barry Schmaltz plays us the Mysterioso Vamp once again, evoking a feeling of the winds blowing across the plains of the American heartland. His sense memories bring forth the recollections, reflections, insights, and observations that typify the very entertaining Barry Schmaltz.
Episode 37 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" With a great big puff of smoke, Barry Schmaltz starts summing things up and almost begins playing the Goodbye Vamp, but a discordant note sets him off on a tangent. Everything crazy is improbable, says Barry Schmaltz, and that's why he's playing that crazy jazz.
Episode 38 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" There are two vamps in this one, each one more beautiful than the other. With his usual offhand pianistic aplomb, Barry Schmaltz packs many words and lots of music into this extraordinary episode guaranteed to thrill and delight one and all.
Episode 39 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz jams out with two flutes and his pipe and the keyboard, all at once, and then settles in for an explanation of how he shifts from universe to universe. He really lays it all out in this one! What will happen next?
Episode 40 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" The consequences of the last show are immediately apparent, and Barry Schmaltz takes this as his cue to play the Goodbye Vamp. Can this really be over...? Is it really goodbye? Will he do a part two?
Episode 41 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" With vigor and a renewed sense of purpose, Barry Schmaltz returns with a strong delivery and a refreshed vision of life and his place in the Many Worlds. Now featuring a mirror which reflects Barry Schmaltz himself, the show promises a bright future for all viewers.
Episode 42 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Always full of surprises, a newly revitalized Barry Schmaltz is happily hanging out with his alternate selves, mirror-style. He's funny and he's able to play the lovely vamps that you love and appreciate so much. He's always on the same page with himself, as he says.
Episode 43 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" Barry Schmaltz has some extraordinary ideas he wants to try out with the Visionary Vamp, which he is playing today. When he gets an idea cooking, he has to see what it is. Something big with the flutes and the mirror...but he stops short of playing all the flutes together.
Episode 44 - "Barry Schmaltz: Just Vamps!" (Barry Schmaltz: The Reggae Song debuted on October 24, 2011.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHRN0nvF3DY